
Crafting my path

Hello! I’m MacGregor Hall-Pearce, a passionate filmmaker-graphic designer and aspiring film studio owner. With a strong foundation in video editing, an understanding of graphic design tools, and hands-on experience in various filmmaking roles, I’ve contributed to numerous productions, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the production process.

My goal is to build a successful freelance career to generate contacts, build a robust portfolio, and ultimately gain the skills and knowledge that will help me launch my own studio someday. Currently, I’m also developing my graphic design skills to complement my filmmaking expertise, particularly in Illustrator.

I specialise in creating compelling visual content and have a keen eye for storytelling. While I’m still honing my graphic design abilities, I’m dedicated to learning and improving every day. Beyond work, I draw inspiration from diverse sources and love exploring new creative avenues. I’m excited about collaborating with like-minded individuals and taking on new challenges.

Thank you for visiting my site! Feel free to explore my portfolio and reach out if you’d like to collaborate or discuss creative projects. Let’s create something amazing together!

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